Veterinary drug MASTINET
Therapeutic indications:
The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of:
Composition of the veterinary drug:
1 g of the preparation contains:
Pharmacological activity:
The active substances of the drug (camphor, methylsalicylate) have anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect and local antiseptic action. Also MASTINET improves blood circulation.
Camphor is a volatile, low-toxic substance of the terpene group. Due to its lipophilicity, camphor is well absorbed and has local antiseptic and irritating action. Camphor induces soft-tissue hyperemia and has long-lasting warming effect, that leads to the phagocytosis activation. Even at 20% of percutaneous resorption, camphor actively penetrates into both the surface and deeper lying tissues. Also camphor exhibits its vasodilating properties.
Methylsalicylate is a salicylic acid methyl ester, a low-toxic substance. Methylsalicylate is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compound. It has warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. After being administered locally, methylsalicylate quickly penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, then methylsalicylate is absorbed and hydrolysed to form salicylate-ion.
Camphor is excreted from the body through the microcapillaries diffusion into the blood, and then through lungs in 2-3 days. Methylsalicylate is excreted from the body with urine.
Thick layer of the ointment is applied 2-3 times a day on the skin of the inflammation area and intensively rubbed in. Сontinue the treatment until the symptoms of the disease disappear, on average - 3-4 days.
Precautions and adverse reactions:
When the drug is used in accordance with the instructions, side effects and complications are generally not observed. In animals with eleveted sensitivity to the components of the drug; an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, the drug should be cancelled; antihistamines and preparations with calcium are prescribed.
Do not use in animals with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Due to the irritant effect, do not use this ointment on open wounds, erosive surfaces or mucous membranes.
Symptoms of overdose in animals have not been revealed.
The peculiarities of the action of the drug during its first use and cancellation are not identified.
Avoid missing the next dose of the drug, as it may lead to the reduced therapeutic effect. If administration of the veterinary drug is missed, resume it in the same dosage and according to the same treatment scheme as soon as possible.
Withdrawal period:
Animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption within 3 days after the last treatment. Meat of animals forcibly slaughtered earlier than the specified period expires may be used for feeding carnivores.
Milk for human consumptionshould not been used during the treatment period and within 3 days after the last drug administration.
Storage conditions:
Store in a dark place at a temperature between +2°C to +25°C. The drug should be kept out of the reach of children.
Shelf-life of the veterinary drug under appropriate storage conditions is 3 years from the date of manufacture.