
Veterinary drug PHOSPHOSAL

Powerful metabolic stimulant with various therapeutic effects

  • Increases the viability of young stock

  • Improves the efficiency of artificial insemination

  • Treatment and prevention of infertility

  • Treatment of parturition abnormalities and postpartum complications

  • Prevention and treatment of liver dysfunction

  • Prevention and treatment of heart dysfunction

  • Prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders

  • Accelerated recovery of the body after stress, trauma and physical exertion/span>

  • Regulation of cortisol levels

  • No withdrawal period for meat and milk

Therapeutic indications:

The drug is used in large and small ruminants, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals and poultry (laying hens, broilers, breeding poultry, poultry of parental flock, repair chickens):

·       for the treatment and prevention of infertility, abnormal parturition and postpartum complications,

·       to increase the effectiveness of artificial insemination;

·       for the treatment and prevention of metabolic disorders (ketosis and others);

·       to increase the viability of young animals;

·       for the treatment of liver and heart dysfunction;

·       for the treatment of burns and bone fractures;

·       to reduce the consequences of high physical load in animals.

Composition of the veterinary drug:

1 ml of the drug contains:

  • 100 mg of butafosfan,
  • 50 μg of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) as the active substances.

Pharmacological activity:

The drug stimulates carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. PHOSPHOSAL facilitates growth and development of animals. The drug increases the resistance of the animal body to pathogenic factors, stimulates erythropoiesis. PHOSPHOSAL increases tonus of the body in the case of high physical load in animals.

Butafosfan is an organic phosphorus compound.  Butafosfan affects many anabolic processes in the body and stimulates protein synthesis.  The active substance of the drug accelerates the growth and development in animals and poultry and significantly improves liver function. Butafosfan increases the body's nonspecific resistance and promotes the formation of bone tissue.

In the case of stressful situations, butafosfan reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol, that leads to the increased utilization of glucose in the blood and the energy metabolism activation.  Butafosfan is excreted from the body of animals mainly with urine.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is a growth factor that is necessary for normal haematopoiesis and maturation of erythrocytes. Cyanocobalamin stimulates the labile methyl groups synthesis and the production of choline, methionine, creatine and nucleic acids.  Cyanocobalamin facilitates the accumulation of sulfhydride-containing groups in erythrocytes.


The drug is administered to animals once a day intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously. Inject the drug slowly.

Give the drug to poultry orally with drinking water for 4-5 days. The doses of the drug in different cases of use are shown in Table 1.


Type of animal/poultry

Dose (ml)

Adult horses and cattle


Foals, calves


Adult sheep and goats


Lambs, goats


Adult pigs


Suckling pigs, gilts 


Laying fowl, broilers

2-3 ml of PHOSPHOSAL per 1 liter of drinking water

Chickens, replacement chickens 

1-1,5 ml of PHOSPHOSAL per 1 liter of drinking water



Cats, fur-bearing animals 



In cases of chronic diseases and for preventive purposes, use 1/2 dose of the drug according to the Table 1.

If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 5-14 days.

For the prevention of metabolic disorders, abnormal parturition and postpartum diseases of the reproductive organs in cows, the drug is administered on 14 and 7 days before the expected calving, on the day of parturition; on the third, fifth and seventh days after calving at a dose of 20-25 ml per one injection, intramuscularly once a day.

For the treatment of ketosis in cows, inject 25 ml of the drug intramuscularly, once a day for 3-5 consecutive days.

To increase the fertility rate in cows, the drug is injected intramuscularly at a single dose of 20-25 ml per one injection just before artificial insemination.

In the case of imbalanced feeding, metabolic disorders, the drug is used as a single dose, two or three times with an interval of 3-4 days.

When training animals for races, exhibitions and preparing them for transportation, use the drug two weeks before the event, at a single dose, two-, three times with an interval of 3-4 days. Inject a single dose of the drug 24 hours before expected physical load.

To reduce the consequences of increased physical activity in animals, the drug is used as a single dose, one or two times with an interval of 3-4 days.

Precautions and adverse reactions:

The drug does not replace the antibacterial agents and etiotropic drugs. It is possible to use PHOSPHOSAL simultaneously with other antibacterial agents and etiotropic drugs.

When used in accordance with the instruction, side effects and complications are generally not observed.

Do not use the drug in animals and poultry with hypersensitivity to the drug components.

Symptoms of overdose have not been revealed.

After the first administration and cancellation, no peculiarities of the drug use have not been revealed.

Avoid missing the next dose of the drug, as it may lead to the reduced therapeutic effect. If administration of the veterinary drug is missed, resume it in the same dosage and according to the same treatment scheme as soon as possible. Do not increase the dose to compensate the missing one.

The drug may be used in pregnant and lactating females.

No peculiarities of PHOSPHOSAL interactions with drugs of other pharmacological groups and supplementary feed have been revealed.

Withdrawal period:

Animal products obtained during the treatment period and after the drug administration may be used for human consumption without any restrictions.

Storage conditions:

Store in a dark place at a temperature between +2°C to +25°C.

The drug should be kept out of the reach of children.


Shelf-life of the veterinary drug under appropriate storage conditions is 2 years from the date of manufacture. Shelf-life of the veterinary drug after the first opening of the bottle is 28 days.

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