Insecticide and acaricide agent DELTABAG 50
DELTABAG 50 is used to treat cattle, sheep, cats, dogs and fur-bearing animals, as well as livestock buildings against itch mites, ixodid, argasid (soft) ticks, lice, flies and bloodsucking insects.
Composition of the insecticide:
1 ml DELTABAG 50 contains:
Deltamethrin 50 mg as an active substance.
Biological activity:
The preparation is insectoacaricidal agent of the group of synthetic pyrethroids.
Deltamethrin, the active substance of the drug, has a wide spectrum of insectoacaricidal (contact and intestinal) action. It is active against various ticks, lice, flies and other blood-sucking insects. The mechanism of action of deltamethrin is the irreversible activation of sodium channels of nerve cell membranes, depolarization of cell membranes and blockade of nerve conduction, which leads to impaired motor reflexes, then causing complete paralysis and death of the ectoparasite.
After applying to the skin, deltamethrin is evenly distributed over the surface of the body, poorly absorbed into the blood. It is excreted with urine and feces.
The preparation in the recommended doses and concentrations does not have a local irritating and allergenic effect. Toxic to fish and bees.
The working emulsion of the drug is prepared immediately before use. The required amount of the drug is thoroughly mixed with a small amount of water (1:4), then poured into a bath or a decontamination container, water is added to the required volume. The temperature of the working emulsion should be from 15 °C to 25 °C. Animals are treated by spraying or bathing. Do not apply on animal's mucosa. The use of the concentrate for the treatment of animals is not allowed.
Before carrying out mass treatments, each batch of the drug is preliminarily tested on a small group of animals (10–15 heads) of various fatness and age. If no complications are detected in animals within 2–3 days, the entire livestock is treated.
Treatment of animals by bathing: in case of psoroptosis with preventive purposes, use 0.003% emulsion once, with treatment purpose - twice with an interval of 7-10 days.
To prepare 1000 liters of a working emulsion for treating animals by bathing, take the following amounts of the drug: against ixodid ticks - 1000 ml, itch mites - 900 ml (use once for prophylactic purposes or twice with an interval of 7–10 days for therapeutic purpose), against lices - 375 ml, flies and other insects - 750 ml.
After cleaning the bath tub, make a preliminary mixture of the required amount of the drug (according to the bathing amount). The bath tub is filled with a working emulsion, mixed and run 20 animals through. As the level of working emulsion decreases (because of removal by animals) by 10% in the bath, it is replenished to the initial level. At the same time, 0.9 l of the drug is added to each ton of added water. Make sure that the first 20 animals are washed again during the bathing course. Before treatment, animals should not be tired and thirsty. After processing 2.5-3 thousand sheep, the remains of the drug are drained into sump wells, preventing them from entering water reservoirs or rivers. The bath is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and washed with water, which is also drained into sump wells.
Treatment of animals by spraying: before using the drug, it is necessary to make a preliminary mixture of 1 liter of water, then add it to the required amount of water in the spraying tank and mix thoroughly. During each treatment, it is necessary to use at least 3 liters of prepared emulsion per animal. The animal is consistently sprayed, starting with the auricles, then the head, body, tail, the area around the anus, limbs. Special attention should be paid to the affected areas. After spraying, do not wash off the drug.
To prepare 1000 liters of working emulsion for the treatment of animals by spraying, take the following amounts of the drug: against ixodic mites – 750 ml of the drug, itch mites – for preventive purposes – 600 ml (once), therapeutic – 1000 ml (twice with an interval of 7-10 days), against lice – 250 ml, flies and other insects – 500 ml.
In case of itch, two treatment courses with an interval of 10 days are necessary to perform. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to carry out one treatment every 6 months.
With siphunculatosis, as a rule, one treatment is carried out. With a high degree of affection, repeated treatment is possible.
With psoroptosis, an emulsion in a concentration of 0.005% is used for cattle. For therapeutic purposes, they are treated twice with an interval of 7-10 days, with preventive – once. To combat monoxenous ixod mites, an emulsion is used in a concentration of 0.0025%, pleioxeny mites – 0.00375%.
To kill flies, 0.0025% emulsion is used, against lice – 0.00125%.
In the season of activity of ixodic ticks, animals are sprayed once every 6-7 days before being driven to pasture or after a day's rest; with entomoses – pro re nata. When treating animals against sarcoptoid and ixod mites, as well as insects, the consumption rate of the working emulsion should be 2-3 liters per animal.
The treatment of dogs, cats and fur-bearing animals is carried out by wetting the hair and skin on the affected areas with a working emulsion of the drug, or the entire surface of the body is treated. Animals should not be washed three days before and after treatment. Animals of long-haired breeds can be bathed entirely. At the same time, it is necessary to treat the room or the place where the animal is kept. Before use, the drug is dissolved in cool tap water.
For the treatment of animals against fleas, lice and chewing lices, 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 4 liters of water.
When animals are affected by ixodic ticks, 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 1.3 liters of water, repeated treatment in the season of tick activity is carried out once every 6-7 days.
In case of itch, it is necessary to treat the affected area with the capture of 1-2 cm of healthy skin. To do this, 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water and the hair and skin are moistened with the resulting emulsion. Repeated treatment is carried out after 7-10 days until two negative skin scrapings are obtained.
Treatment of premises. The drug is used for the treatment of premises, lambing barns, cattle pens in the presence of animals, including young animals. Disinsection and deacarization of livestock premises is carried out by the method of fine-droplet spraying.
To eliminate crawling insects, dilute 30 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water to treat 100 m2 of porous and smooth surfaces, with a consumption rate of 10 and 5 liters, respectively.
To kill flying insects, dilute 15 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water to treat 100 m2 of porous and smooth surfaces, with a consumption rate of 10 and 5 liters, respectively.
Precautions and adverse reactions:
Adverse reactions after using the preparation in accordance with this instruction, as a rule, are not observed. When allergic reactions occur, the treatment is stopped, the drug is washed off with water with detergent. Antihistamines and symptomatic therapy are prescribed.
In case of overdose or ingestion of the drug by animals, excessive salivation, vomiting, agitation, muscle trembling, impaired coordination of movements, clonic convulsions and paresthesia may occur. In this case, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.
The preparation is contraindicated in animals with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug as well as in weak, sick and emaciated animals.
It is not recommended to use the drug together with other insecticidal agents. Do not use the drug in combination with organophosphorus insecticides, which can impair metabolism, reduce the rate of biotransformation of the drug and increase the toxicity of deltamethrin.
After the first administration and cancellation, no peculiarities are revealed.
Violation of the drug administration regimen should be avoided, as this may lead to a decrease in its effectiveness.
The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Withdrawal period:
Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed no earlier than 5 days after the last use of the drug. In case of forced slaughter of animals earlier of the indicated period, the meat can be used as feed for carnivorous animals.
The use of milk in human food is allowed no earlier than 3 days after the last use of the drug. Milk received earlier indicated period can be used as animal feed.
Storage conditions:
Store in a dark place at a temperature of 2°C to +25°C.
Shelf-life of the insecticide under appropriate storage conditions is 4 years from the date of manufacture; after the first opening of the container - 6 months, under appropriate storage conditions.