Veterinary drug LINKOFERON-S solution
Therapeutic indications:
The drug is used for the treatment of infectious diseases of bacterial and mixed (bacterial-viral) etiology in piglets and pigs.
The drug is used in pigs for the treatment of enzootic pneumonia, septicemia, infectious polyarthritis, abscesses, purulent dermatitis, respiratory diseases (SRD) and other diseases caused by lincomycin-sensitive microorganisms resistant to penicillins and other antibiotics.
The drug is used in sick animals for the treatment and prevention of mixed (bacterial-viral) diseases, when risk of additional viral infection is high.
Composition of the veterinary drug:
1,0 ml of the drug contains:
• 0.1 g of lincomycin hydrochloride,
• not less than 10 000 IU / ml of antiviral activity of recombinant swine interferon (ISR) protein
Pharmacological activity:
The drug has antimicrobial activity against most gram-positive aerobic and anaerobic lincomycin-sensitive microorganisms, including: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Actinomyces spp., Bacteroides spp., Clostridium spp., as well as Mycoplasma spp.
The mechanism of action of lincomycin hydrochloride is based on the suppression of protein synthesis of the microbial cell. Recombinant swine interferon is the second active substance of the drug. ISR has a significant immunostimulating activity with species-specific mechanism in cattle. ISR enhances the antibiotic effect, increases nonspecific resistance of the organism to DNA, RNA-containing viruses and protects the organism from their negative effect. Interferon eliminates the immunosuppressive effects of the antibiotic.
After intramuscular administration, the drug is quickly and fully absorbed. A therapeutic concentration in the blood is reached in half an hour or in an hour after injection of antibacterial activity and after 6 hours by immunomodulatory activity.
The maximum concentration of lincomycin in the blood is reached in 20-40 minutes after the drug administration and maintained for 3-6 hours. The therapeutic concentration of lincomycin in the blood is maintained for 24 hours. The immunostimulating activity of interferon reaches its maximum value in 12 hours and is maintained for the next 24-30 hours.
Lincomycin does not undergo biotransformation in the body and is excreted unchanged mainly with the urine and bile.
The drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1.0 ml per 10 kg of body weight every 24 hours for 3-5 days.
The drug is used for the treatment of mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome in sows for 1-2 days. Do not mix with other drugs in the same syringe.
Precautions and adverse reactions:
The drug administration in combination with penicillins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol or erythromycin may lead to antimicrobial antagonism. The drug administration in combination with aminoglycosides leads to synergistic action.
Do not use the drug simultaneously with barbiturates, kanamycin, ampicillin, novobiocin, heparin, calcium gluconate, theophylline and magnesium sulfate.
Do not use in animals with hypersensitivity to lincomycin, as well as with severe liver and kidney dysfunction, in pregnant sows, in lactating animals.
Withdrawal period:
Animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption before 4 days after the last drug administration. Meat of animals forcibly slaughtered before the specified period expires may be used for feeding carnivores.
Storage conditions:
Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature between + 4 ° C to + 10 ° C.
Shelf-life of the veterinary drug is 18 months from the date of manufacture. Shelf-life after the first opening of the bottle is 3 days under appropriate storage and sterile conditions.